Elegant Silhouette
Because breast lift elevates the breasts on the chest and reverses sagging, it can create the appearance of larger volume. But increasing size is not a primary goal of breast lift, which is why many women choose to have both breast lift and breast augmentation. The main benefit of breast lift is a dramatic improvement in the shape and proportion of the breasts. In addition, the surgery can return low or downward-pointing nipples to a natural position, recreating a youthful “perky” profile.
After Pregnancy
Breast lift is particularly effective at revitalizing breasts after pregnancy, as well as restoring the self-confidence a firmer profile inspires. During pregnancy, breasts naturally swell to a larger size. When this happens, the skin stretches. Once your infant is no longer breastfeeding, the milk-producing glands shrink and the breasts return to their usual size. But because the skin may not be flexible enough to shrink back to a correspondingly smaller size, sagging can result.
The degree of sagging varies, and is medically described by the “ptsosis” classification system: To determine the degree of sagging, a surgeon looks at the position of the nipple relative to the fold or crease at the base of the breast. With Grade 1 ptosis, the nipple and crease are at the same level. In Grade 2 cases, the nipple has dropped below the crease, but it is still higher than the breast gland area that projects over the fold. In Grade 3 ptosis, the nipple is the lowest part of the breast.
To learn more about breast lift or breast augmentation, schedule a personal consultation with one of the experienced plastic surgeons of Atlanta Plastic & Reconstructive Specialists. Call our Northside office at (404) 255-2975 or our Piedmont office at (404) 343-0897 today.